Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Entry #1

Why a Blog?

I will write entries for this blog about 4 times per week during the season to answer the Wh’s of CASL. That is the Whos, Whats, Whys, Whens, Wheres, Whiches, and Hows (yes it does have a w and an h), etc. of the organization.
This 37 year old league has quite a tradition and quite a number of  participants, volunteers, alumni  that want to know the answers to the wh’s above. I will try to explain the answers so that our CASL families and others know what is going on and the reasons behind what is going on. An informed membership is a stronger membership!
Some of the things you can expect from the Wh’s are:
Whos: Who are the people that run CASL, staff and board, and what are their backgrounds and experience in the sport? Who are the coaches in CASL and their backgrounds? Who are the community leaders that support CASL? Etc.
Whats: What is going on in the league, new initiatives, events, etc.? Etc.
Whys: Why does CASL do the things the way we do? Why are certain rules in place? Etc.
Whens: When are deadlines? When should members think about moving their child to a different level via tryouts? Etc.
Wheres: Where do members go to get an answer to a certain question? Where do members go to get extra training for their children? Where do members find out certain information? Etc.
Whiches: Which program is better for my child? Etc.
Hows: How do I sign up for a certain program? How do I help my child get better? Etc.
            I will be looking for material for this blog, so please feel free to ask a Wh and at some point, I will probably respond via the blog but will also try to respond to the individual. Please identify yourself as I will not respond to anonymous questioners! This should be fun and I am looking forward to this blog!

                                                            Charlie Slagle-CASL CEO and now Blog Guy!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for another source of information. You and the rest of the CASL staff really do a great job communicating with all of the many and varied participants. Thanks for blogging!
